Simpatico giocattolo da masticare per cani a forma di anatra ripiena con cigolio, senza riempimento

Adatto per interni di piccole dimensioni, medio, e cani di grossa taglia

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1.High Quality Soft Dog Chewing ToysThese adorable dog wrinkling toys are unfilled. Ducks provide an interactive chewing toy for your four legged best friend, which makes noise, keeps them focused, and is gentler for teeth, gums, and tooth health

2.Cute and colorful duck shapeshaped like a real duck, this dog wrinkling toy is suitable for small dogs, medium dogs, and all sizes in between. It comes in 6 unique colors, providing a more suitable appearance for puppies and easy to carry

3.Non fluffy, non dirty designUnlike messy bones, ropes, or other toys used for powerful chewers, these dog wrinkled toys won’t leave a mess after playing. They also use reinforced fabrics and stitching to help them endure chewing

4.Active Play, Throw, and RetrieveOur adorable Dog Duck Chewing Toy can be used to establish contact with your little dog, reduce stress or separation anxiety, or simply give them an active outlet to guide attacks or intense play

5.Great Gift Gifts: Whether you’re looking for an exciting birthday, holiday, or just a gift for your furry baby, you can’t miss out on these incredible and fun dog toys. ClickAdd to Cartnow! Please note that our toys are not edible.

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