High quality stainless steel blade pet nail clippers

Suitable for Pets of all Sizes

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  1. High-Quality Stainless Steel Blade: The dog nail clipper is made with high-density stainless steel, which makes it durable, and cut pet’s nails precisely and easily. The sturdy spring can trim pet’s thick nails easily with simple one cut.
  2. Ergonomic Handle Design: The pet toes cutter designed with ergonomic handle, which is powerful, lightweight and easy to grip.
  3. Suitable for Pets of all Sizes: The pet nail clipper is suitable for small, medium, large dogs and cats, puppy, poodle, long hair dog, rabbits, parrots, guinea pigs and other animals. The pet toes clippers with super sharp blade, which is good for trimming and shaping pet nail.
  4. Safety Ring-Blade Design: The safety ring-blade design helps to control the cutting and adjust pet toe’s length easier. The ergonomic handle is easy to hold on, and the spring can push the blade for accurate cutting. Moreover, the ring-blade design with 45° angle can safely prevent cutting too close to pet nail’s blood line.

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