What are your prices ?

Our prices are subject to change depending on supply and other market factors. We will send you an updated price list after your company contacts us for further information.

Do you have a minimum order quantity ?

Yes, we require all international orders to have an ongoing minimum order quantity. If you are looking to resell but in much smaller quantities, we recommend that you consult our sales experts.

Can you supply the relevant documentation ?

Yes, we can provide most documentation including Certificates of Analysis / Conformance; Insurance; Origin, and other export documents where required.

What is the average lead time ?

For samples, the lead time is about 7 days. For mass production, the lead time is 20-30 days after receiving the deposit payment. The lead times become effective when 1) we have received your deposit, and 2) we have your final approval for your products. If our lead times do not work with your deadline, please go over your requirements with your sale. In all cases, we will try to accommodate your needs. In most cases, we are able to do so.

What kinds of payment methods do you accept ?

You can make the payment to our bank account, Western Union or PayPal: 30% deposit in advance, 70% balance against the copy of B/L.

What is the product warranty ?

We warranty our materials and workmanship. Our commitment is to your satisfaction with our products. In a warranty or not, it is the culture of our company to address and resolve all customer issues to everyone’s satisfaction.

Do you guarantee safe and secure delivery of products ?

Yes, we always use high-quality export packaging. We also use specialized hazard packing for dangerous goods and validated cold storage shippers for temperature-sensitive items. Specialist packaging and non-standard packing requirements may incur an additional charge.

How about the shipping fees ?

The shipping cost depends on the way you choose to get the goods. Express is normally the quickest but also most expensive way. By sea, freight is the best solution for big amounts. Exactly freight rates we can only give you if we know the details of amount, weight and way. Please contact us for further information.

Hel Xigasho Degdeg ah

Waxaan kaga jawaabi doonaa gudaha 12 saacadood, fadlan u fiirso iimaylka dabadhilifka ah "@shinee-pet.com".

Sidoo kale, waxaad aadi kartaa Bogga Xiriirka, kaas oo bixiya foom faahfaahsan, Haddii aad hayso su'aalo dheeraad ah oo ku saabsan alaabada ama aad jeclaan lahayd inaad hesho badeecado badan oo xayawaan ah oo isku dhafan.

Ilaalinta Xogta

Si loogu hoggaansamo shuruucda ilaalinta xogta, waxaan kaa codsaneynaa inaad dib u eegto qodobada muhiimka ah ee ku jira popupka. Si aan u sii wadno isticmaalka mareegahayaga, waxaad u baahan tahay inaad gujiso 'Aqbal & Xir'. Waxaad ka akhrisan kartaa wax badan oo ku saabsan siyaasaddayada khaaska ah. Waxaan dukumineynaa heshiiskaaga, waxaadna ka bixi kartaa adiga oo aadaya siyaasaddayada sirta oo gujinaya widget-ka.