Factory Areas

The SHINE·E PET factory has over 5000 square meters of area. Each apartment is separated seriously. And we already passed BSCI to ensure customers can trust us in an environment of work.

Sample Room and Warehouse

Our factory has two big showrooms for customers to visit. And we have a special apartment to arrange cartons that ensure quantity is right before shipping.

Production Line and Output

Our factory has 5 professional production lines that can produce monthly capacity 30-50pcs 40ft containers for our customers. We are professional and efficient.

Automatic Production and Quality Control

The production models in our factory were not only pure artificial anymore since 2015. We purchased 20 pcs automatic production equipment into our production line. Speed of our production rose by 20%. And defective percentage was controlled under 1%.

Maʻu ha lea vave

Te tau tali ʻi loto 12 houa ʻe, Kataki ʻo tokanga ki he ʻimeili ʻaki ʻa e hingoa ʻuluaki "@shinee-pet.com".

ʻIkai ngata ai, te ke lava ʻo ʻalu ki he Peesi Fetuʻutakí, ʻa ia ʻoku ne ʻomi ha foomu fakaikiiki ange, Kapau ʻoku lahi ange hoʻo ngaahi fakaʻekeʻeke ki he koloa pe fie maʻu ke maʻu ha koloa pusiaki lahi ange.

Maluʻi ʻo e fakamatala

Ke lava ʻo talangofua ki he ngaahi lao ki hono maluʻi ʻo e fakamatala, ʻOku mau kole atu ke mou toe vakaiʻi ʻa e ngaahi tefitoʻi meʻa mahuʻinga ʻi he popup. Ke hoko atu hono fakaʻaongaʻi ʻetau uepisaiti, ʻoku fie maʻu ke ke lomiʻi ʻi he ʻTali & Tapuni ʻ. Te ke lava ʻo lau ha meʻa lahi ange fekauʻaki mo ʻetau tuʻutuʻuni totonu fakatautaha. ʻOku mau hiki hoʻo aleapau pea te ke lava ʻo taʻofi ʻaki haʻo ʻalu ki heʻetau tuʻutuʻuni totonu fakatautaha pea lomiʻi ʻi he widget.